$(function() { $('img.image1').data('ad-desc', 'whoa! this description is set through elm.data("ad-desc") instead of using the longdesc attribute.
and it contains how to meet ladies... what? that aint what html stands for? man...'); $('img.image1').data('ad-title', 'title through $.data'); $('img.image4').data('ad-desc', 'this image is wider than the wrapper, so it has been scaled down'); $('img.image5').data('ad-desc', 'this image is higher than the wrapper, so it has been scaled down'); var galleries = $('.ad-gallery').adgallery(); $('#switch-effect').change( function() { galleries[0].settings.effect = $(this).val(); return false; } ); $('#toggle-slideshow').click( function() { galleries[0].slideshow.toggle(); return false; } ); $('#toggle-description').click( function() { if(!galleries[0].settings.description_wrapper) { galleries[0].settings.description_wrapper = $('#descriptions'); } else { galleries[0].settings.description_wrapper = false; } return false; } ); });